Welcome to my course website!

Message to All of My Students

All class materials and homework assignments will be posted on this website.
Please check this page if you miss any classes.
Please email me in advance if you cannot attend a class even if you have told me in class.

By the way, please do not start your email to me with "Hey".

When you write an essay, please leave ample space for corrections. :)

Message to Beginning 2 students

  • Please tear the assigned Katakana workbook pages out when you turn them in or make copies of the pages if you don't want to tear them out.

  • When you cannot attend the class on Saturday, you can plan your make-up lesson on Monday or on Wednesday. Contact おおた せんせい and CC me in advance.

  • If you don't plan to make up for the class you will be missing, just contact me and let me know in advance.

    You're allowed to audit in another section once a quarter.

    Please remember to thank the other teacher after the class!

    Sat class is the first section to cover a new lesson. For example, if you cannot attend class in Week 2 on Jan 18 (Sat), you can ask the instructor to let you attend a class either on Jan 20 (Mon) .

  • If you can't attend a make-up class, either, please contact me to get learning materials and study hard at home. :)

Message to Intermediate 1 students

  • When you cannot attend the class in your section, plan your make-up lesson.
    You're normally allowed to audit in another section once a quarter.

    When you cannot attend the class in your section, plan your make-up lesson. Contact ひがしの せんせい and CC me in advance.

    If you don't plan to make up for the class you will be missing, just contact me and let me know in advance.

  • If you can't attend a make-up class, please download learning materials and study hard at home. Also, download the relevant quiz from the site, try to finish it in 20 minutes and bring it to class. :)

Contact Information:

Soko Gakuen Japanese Language School

1881 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
URL: http://sokogakuen.org
Email: sokogakuen@gmail.com
Phone: (415) 928-9608